It seems we have our news media to blame, in large part, for the success of terrorist group recruitment. The news coverage of their despicable acts has alerted many around the world to their existence. Once terrorism became a dominant story in the news, radicals, even among Westerners, began investigating these groups, buying into their philosophies and propaganda, and seeking to join with them. For instance, not many people had heard of ISIS until the beheading of Western journalists was heavily reported on by the media, after which ISIS recruitment soared[1]. The New York Times reported that an estimated 50% of ISIS fighters come from other countries and that approximately 4000 of them are Westerners[2].
Many recruiters are young women who are on Twitter and Tumblr representing ISIS in a very positive and attractive way. These groups are marketing to a specific audience; mostly young men, in their early 20’s, who are recent Muslim converts and are seeking purpose in life. Brochures, social media, and other sources of information make it very easy for terrorist groups to not only get their message out, but also to instruct anyone who is interested in how to go about joining. Everything, from what to pack to how to travel to the training camps, is laid out for new recruits[3].
5 Steps of Recruitment:
(Click on image below for more information)
President Bush's Mission Accomplished speech May 2003. HLN.
Top Secret America. PBS Frontline.